Selectorized Equipment
Choosing the right selectorized equipment can not only save space in your gym at home, but it can also make your workout more efficient and help you focus on what you want to work on. Our selectorized gym equipment allows you to do multiple types of exercises on one machine, whether you want to do rows, pull downs, curls, even squats.
A simple switch of accessories, and you can work out different muscle groups off one machine. You save a lot of time using a couple of different selectorized strength machines with the right workout plan. Contact our team today to learn more about your different options and what kind of selectorized equipment will serve your needs best.
Home Gym
Body Solid Bi-Angular Home Gym G6BR The Bi-Angular press arms of the G6B guide you through the optimal natural range-of-motion while applying resistance from two directions simultaneously. This smooth, fluid, multi-directional resistance system automatically produces 25% more muscle interaction by eliminating the ability to rest your chest muscles. Thus, you increase the exercise intensity through [...]
Body Solid Compact Functional Training Center GDCC210 FEATURES Define the motions that are right for you and your individual workout goals with the Body-Solid GDCC210 Functional Training Center. This dual independent weight stack system provides dedicated resistance with true isolateral movements. Core stability training can lead to improved balance, coordination and stability. By efficiently working [...]
Body Solid Deluxe Cable Crossover Make all the right moves for the ultimate workout! Body-Solid takes state-of-the-art crossover stations to new heights with the Selectorized Deluxe Cable Crossover, a dynamic addition to any home gym exercise program. Sturdy and stable, the new design lets you exercise virtually every major muscle group in your body. Interchangeable [...]
Body Solid Pro Dual Modular GYM System DGYM DGYM Base Frame for Pro Dual Multi-Stack Must be purchased with 3 or 4 stations. DPLS Press Arm Station Body-Solid revolutionizes the commercial equipment market by providing a modular approach to designing your next training facility. The Pro Dual Line offers 10 dual function stations that can [...]
Selectorized Equipment
Body Solid EXM4000S Commercial Multi-Stack Home Gym Buy Online
The Body-Solid EXM4000S is designed for those who demand the ultimate gym package. It offers an enormous range of upper and lower body exercises for maximum muscular strength, total body conditioning and superior endurance. Up to four people can work out simultaneously with the optional Leg Press / Calf Press Station. It fits comfortably against [...]
Body-Solid Functional Training Center 200 With the GDCC200, life imitates state-of-the-art in a new space-saving design! Define the motions that are right for you and your individual workout goals with the Body-Solid GDCC200 Functional Training Center. This dual independent weight stack system provides dedicated resistance with true isolateral movements. Core stability training can lead to [...]
Home Gym
Body Solid G1S Home Gym The Body-Solid G1S packs a lot of power, strength and durability into the smallest footprint available. Centered on a 160 lb. selectorized weight stack, this gym allows over 40 toning, trimming and strength training exercises. From the multi-grip press arm to the contoured, adjustable seat pad, the G1S gives you [...]
Home Gym
G9S Two-Stack Home Gym This multi-station workhorse provides health club quality strength training for up to three people simultaneously (with optional GKR9). The G9 series of gyms features a multi-function Press Arm Station for bench press, incline press, shoulder press and chest supported mid row exercises. The Perfect Pec™ Station with fully adjustable range of motion [...]
Body Solid Leg Ext. & Leg Curl Machine This most versatile leg machine performs the two most important leg exercises from one comfortable position. The fully adjustable 7 guage steel cam maximizes range of motion capabilities with a biomechanically- correct seat angle for proper isolation of muscle groups. Strengthen your quadricep muscles with the leg [...]
Body Solid GIOT-STK Pro-Select Inner/Outer Thigh Machine Trim and tone those trouble spots with the Inner & Outer Thigh Machine. Do both abductor/adductor exercises from one seated position. 5 range of motion adjustments accommodate users of all sizes. A lumbar supported adjustable back pad, swiveling knee pads and no cable change design provide the quality, [...]
Body Solid Pro Clubline Cable Crossover The Body Solid Pro Clubline Cable Crossover is the pinnacle of versatility in strength training. Offering an unlimited number of exercises, cable crossover machines are a staple to any gym, health club, fitness center, or workout facility. The SCC1200G is designed and built to satisfy any fitness enthusiast. Pulleys swivel 180 degrees [...]
Body Solid Pro Select Ab/Back Machine This unique dual function machine allows you to exercise two major muscle groups (abdominals and back) for one great low price. This innovative commercial design has a full range cam design with an easy to use pop pin that allows an additional 20 adjustments to increase control and range [...]